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Palm Springs Art Museum Newest Exhibitions

Palm Springs Art Museum Newest Exhibitions

Palm Springs Art Museum Celebrates Two New Exhibitions

City News Service

The Palm Springs Art Museum recently hosted an opening party to celebrate its two new fall exhibitions.

The “Color and Shadow”-themed event captured Phillip K. Smith III’s explorations of light and Petra Cortright’s complex image layering, museum officials said.

The “Color and Shadow”-themed event captured Phillip K. Smith III’s explorations

Smith’s and Cortright’s exhibitions will be featured in the museum’s main galleries along with a month-long small-format exhibition by Gabriela Ruiz.

Smith’s exhibition “Light + Change” was initially scheduled for 2020, but it was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He was raised in the Coachella Valley, frequented the art museum since he was a child, and is now a member of the museum’s board of trustees.

“Inspired by the daily light phenomena of the desert, many works slowly shift from hue to hue as determined by Phillip’s precisely paced color choreography,” museum officials said.

Cortright’s exhibition “Sapphire Cinnamon Viper Fairy,” will feature art in traditional genres native to the digital age. She was initially recognized in the early 2000s for her series of self-portrait videos with unconventional uses of standard special effects.

“While the work originates from an endless digital realm, my decision to `save as’ finalizes the painting and gives it a unique place in the ‘real world’ forever,” Cortright said in a statement. “I have a deep love of physical things and physical spaces.”

Ruiz’s outburst project will feature art centered on issues of identity, the body, desire, and self-fashioning, featuring everyday materials blended into a diverse range of mediums, according to museum officials.

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