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We are experiencing one of the largest wildfires in history in our local Idyllwild community

We are experiencing one of the largest wildfires in history in our local Idyllwild community

Food Bank Pantry Empty, help is needed, Coachella Valley Reports! – by Karen Cantrell

“I spoke with Chief Reitz of the Idylwilld Fire Department just now and found out the the Food Bank Pantry there is completely empty. We must refill it quickly !”

As many of you know we are experiencing one of the largest wildfires in history in our local Idyllwild community. Because of this many residents are displaced to shelters and are unable to return to their homes. I was just advised that some of the shelters are running out of supplies but worse the Food Panty is empty. For many this is the only source for nourishment at this time because all the roads to Idyllwild are still blocked.


Cranston Fire 2018

Cranston Fire 2018

We are holding a Food drive for non- perishable goods and I BEG you to please take some time and bring items to Lady Golf- 73608 Hwy 111 Suite 1 , Palm Desert CA and we will transport them with the help of Chief Patrick Reitz and other volunteers to Idyllwild when the roads are open.

Donations can be made Monday – Saturday 10 am – 5 pm.

Below is a list of goods needed:

Shelf-Stable Protein Sources

“Protein is something we try to have on hand all the time,” says Kaupp, who suggests donating items like canned fish and canned chicken, as well as vegetarian protein sources, like beans and peanut butter. “If a family is not able to purchase meat, those substitutions can help create a filling meal.”

Donation Suggestions:

• Canned tuna or salmon
• Canned chicken or other meats
• Canned beans
• Dried beans
• Canned soups and stews
• Peanut butter
• Nuts
• Canned chili
• Trail mix

Rice, Pasta, and Other Pantry Staples

Filling, shelf-stable foods that people can cook and flavor in any number of ways are always welcome. “The main staple items that you would keep in your pantry are what we really need,” says Kaupp. Even things like canned cream of chicken soup can be used in a number of different recipes, she points out, and would be useful to recipients.

Donation Suggestions:

• Rice (especially whole grain)
• Oatmeal
• Pasta (especially whole grain)
• Diced tomatoes
• Tomato sauce
• Canned vegetables
• Cooking oils (such as olive oil or canola oil)
• Flour
• Boxed milk
• Cereals
• Baby food

If you would like to help the animals as well please they need dog and cat food.

God bless you all”

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