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Raise Money for Everything, Help a Neighbor in Need – CoachellaValley.org

Raise Money for Everything, Help a Neighbor in Need – CoachellaValley.org


Free, Easy Crowd Fundraising for Coachella Valley Residents and Nonprofits – CoachellaValley.Org Is Live!cvlogo.org_

 CoachellaValley.Org is now live! Open exclusively to Coachella Valley residents and organizations.

CoachellaValley.Org is a free, easy to use crowd fundraising platform designed to support nonprofit organizations, schools, charities, social organizations, and individuals with inspired ideas to make a difference.

“This is for all of us,” says founder, long term resident and “Entrepreneur of the Year” winner Craige Campbell. “With social media, and technology converging, Crowd Funding for causes has been proven to be an incredible tool to meet needs. Envision for a moment, searching the site and being able to give money directly to the Red Cross or Guide Dogs of the Desert online for general purposes.”

“Now envision that same organization perhaps also establishing a “Direct Cause Campaign” to meet a specific need, such as funding “The Wheels” for the blood mobile, or buying “50 Yellow Vests” for the new service dogs and inviting our community to participate in funding those specific goals. This takes fundraising to a new level.”

CoachellaValley.Org allows residents to raise money for everything from art projects, medical procedures, and mission trips to special events, community service projects, and endowments.

“CoachellaValley.Org has been built for two reasons,” says early supporter and original site architect Bernard Clark. “The first is to support all of the incredible philanthropic efforts that are already happening in the Coachella Valley. The second is to make it easier to create and fund new causes and services that emerge from any of our nine cities. I’m telling you – we’re about to see some incredible things.”

Where Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Go Fund Me are nationally well known, CoachellaValley.Org is Valley specific, so each story you read, and then support, will be helping a neighbor in need or organization serving the Coachella Valley.

“The Coachella Valley is a very special place, and our residents care about a lot of causes and supporting their neighbors in need,” says CoachellaValley.com’s Media Director, Meachele Campbell. “Residents have had a hard time knowing how to give to causes they care about and are not even aware of the thousands of organizations that operate and serve right here in the Coachella Valley.”

“We simply are better, stronger and more powerful when we work together. I’m so excited see all the success stories that will be coming out of this very powerful platform.”

CoachellaValley.Org allows you to discover and get involved in a cause you care about by donating as little as $1 or as much as $10 million. By having one site that represents our community and region you can more easily find less publicized causes and get involved in one’s that really mean something to you.

CoachellaValley.Org gives individuals and organizations and even city governments the tools necessary to easily create a campaign, add their story, embed video and photos and add rewards (if the campaign maker so chooses) to give Donors for their donation.

For example CoachellaValley’s.Org’s own Campaign provides a re-usable Coachella Valley tote bag w/Logo to the first 100 Donors of $50 or more.

Once the campaign is setup, this powerful crowd fundraising platform gives you the tools to then easily promote your campaign through popular social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google + and Pinterest, securely and quickly raise funds, track your progress and fund your campaign or cause.

Even if potential donors aren’t ready to contribute they can still participate in the success of the cause by easily sharing the campaign with others across their own social networks.

The popular national platforms charge up to 9.0% of the funds collected as their fee, in addition to the 3rd party credit card processing fees.

CoachellaValley.Org will charge $0 and never share in the credit card processing fees putting way more $$$ into the cause directly.

CoachellaValley.Org will be underwritten by CoachellaValley.com and through sponsors, in addition to running its own campaign on the site allowing those who want to help fund this incredible endeavor an opportunity to participate.

CoachellaValley.Org is the second component of the CoachellaValley family of networks, which includes CoachellaValley.Com, CoachellaValley.Org, and CoachellaValley.Net.

“Our goal is to serve and promote the people, places and things going on throughout this great Valley of ours. The Coachella Valley “9 Amazing Cities…ONE GREAT ADVENTURE”.

Contact Craige Campbell, Publisher 760.219.4999 publisher@coachellavalley.com www.coachellavalley.com ####

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