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What’s Happening Coachella Valley?

What’s Happening Coachella Valley?

CoachellaValley.com team has been enjoying a torrent pace getting out in our amazing community connecting with people, sharing our mission and reporting our adventures.

The Last 7 days

The CoachellaValley.com team had a total of 6 photographers and 2 reporters dedicated to capturing the final round of the Humana Challenge, and all its many events throughout the week ending in interviewing and meeting the winner and now 6 time PGA Champion Bill Haas.

Former President Bill Clinton congratulates Bill Haas on his Humana Challenge 15' win.

Former President Bill Clinton congratulates Bill Haas on his Humana Challenge 15′ win.

Last Saturday we snuck in time between rounds to head out to Palm Springs Skate Park to photograoh and cover, as official media, the El Gato Classic and snagged some epic shots of the “Tony Hawk” high above the lip doing what made him famous.

Tony Hawk looking right at home...El Gato Classic

Tony Hawk looking right at home…El Gato Classic

Last Sunday we also headed east and took photos and reported on the Pelican Day Celebration at the Salton Sea where during our peak migration season over 4,000,000 birds arrive each day!!

Salton Sea by Ann McKinnell

Salton Sea by Ann McKinnell

Seriously, 1/2 of all migratory birds on the Pacific flyway stop at the Salton Sea on their north to south trek every year. It didn’t stop there…

Wednesday saw our Publisher at the Coachella Valley History Museum checking out their mindblowing 100 year old Archives.”We have begun a very important work with CVHM Board and President to throw our expertise and support to help preserve and digitize what is now over 100 years of precious photos, magazines, newspaper and court records  capturing our rich history”

Short Line from Los Angeles dropping of passengers in the Coachella Valley as it traveled on to Imperial Valley and Eastern Points beyond!

Short Line from Los Angeles dropping of passengers in the Coachella Valley as it traveled on to Imperial Valley and Eastern Points beyond!

As you know we here at CoachellaValley.com are famous for our photography and preserving this amazing archive is a priority to our team.

If you would like to help us out or get involved please email us at publisher@coachellavalley.com

Thursday we covered live the incredible 6th Annual Desert Hot Springs VIP Spa Tour. While we finish editing photos of our three hour tour of 10 of the finest DHS Resorts and Spas take a look at the video we made from last year’s tour

Friday, we were fortunate enough to be invited to appear in studio on the Rich Gilgallon Show, KPSI 920 AM, to share about all things CoachellaValley.com, our Social Media Network and of course CoachellaValley.com’s fastest growing Interactive Event Calendar https://happening.coachellavalley.com.

There’s already over a 1000 Things to See and Do and you the community are adding more events everyday.

For anyone who missed it here’s the radio interview…  The CoachellaValley.com interview starts formally at 4:45 mark on the video:

Yesterday, we barreled ahead catching up with Casey Coyle, Store Team Leader,  and associate Jeff  at the Whole Foods Market in Palm Desert to find them transforming the new store into a Love inspired theme for Valentine’s Day

Whole Foods Store Leader Casey Coyle and Associate Jeff creating Valentine Décor!!

Whole Foods Store Leader Casey Coyle and Associate Jeff creating Valentine Décor!!

Did you know Coachella Valley’s Whole Foods store just won the award for having the best creative decor throughout the holiday season! You can see the new romantic theme Starting this Monday morning!!  Tell him you heard it first on Coachella Valley

What’s Coming up in the Next couple of Days:

Tuesday CoachellaValley.com is scheduled to sit down and have lunch with Patrick Evans, our very own Coachella Valley CBS 2 Chief Meterologist and Host, Eye of the Desert to talk about his career, and life here in the Coachella Valley.

Wednesday we will be stopping by Cord Media, one of Coachella Valley’s top advertising agencies, to discuss the CoachellaValley.com’s fastest growing Interactive Event Calendar

https:// happening.coachellavalley.com, branding, marketing and collaberation.Starting in just a few minutes the Coachella Valley Team is sitting down with our family and friends going to enjoy the 49th Superbowl

We predict this could be one of the best SUPERBOWLS OF ALL TIME.

Thank you for making us the fastest growing brand in Event News Remember CoachellaValley.com  If It’s Happening it’s here!!

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