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Runner with muscular dystrophy is final athlete to cross Boston Marathon finish line

Runner with muscular dystrophy is final athlete to cross Boston Marathon finish line

Runner with muscular dystrophy is final athlete to cross Boston Marathon finish line

No, not a Coachella Valley event but a moment that should be shared.  A journey of determination and heart.  Maickel Melamed’s story is filled with Hope and Encouragement….Never Give Up!

Throughout the duration of the Boston Marathon we tend to focus on whoever finishes first. Early Tuesday morning the man who came in last had just as powerful of an impact.

Maickel Melamed of Venezuela soldiered through the night Tuesday walking for nearly 20 hours while battling torrential downpours and thunderstorms to finish the 2015 Boston Marathon.

“It was tough, the wind, the rain, the distance, the cold, everything today was overcome,” he said.

Maickel Melamed finished the Boston Marathon about 20 hours after he started. (WBZ-TV)

Melamad has a rare muscular condition that makes walking and moving around difficult. Regardless, he has completed five marathons, New York, Chicago, Berlin, Tokyo, and finally Boston, all for charity and to educate and inspire Venezuelan youth. This was his last marathon.

“The wind, the rain, the cold, everything was overcome…because when we are a team the human creativity and human magic appears every time,” Melamed told FOX25 after his inspirational finish.


“For me I’m so grateful for Boston and to Boston this is an amazing city,” he said.

Melamed has a special connection to this city. His parents brought him here as a sick child, they feared he wouldn’t survive much longer.

Boston Children’s Hospital gave him life-saving treatment, allowing him to return home. Now at age 39 he’s back spreading a message of peace with his supporters from the group VAMOS Boston.

Maickel Melamed talks to reporters after finishing the Boston Marathon, April 21, 2015. (WBZ-TV)

“Walking with him is really about bringing that rhythm into your own self, and what are you going to do with it. What are you going to do with that prayer of peace that you carry inside of yourself?” childhood friend Natalie Howard asked.

A loyal crowd of supporters stuck with Maickel all 20 hours. They cheered him on and even held him up. The group counted aloud in Spanish for each step he took, when he collapsed into their arms they’d prop him back up and help him begin again.

“This is not about Maickel, it’s not about Venezuela, it’s about the world, and it’s about creating a world for peace with the intention of putting humanity first,” Howard said.

Melamed cannot continue with his marathon streak as he’s lost too much weight and it’s taken too much of a toll on him physically.


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