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Coachella Valley Gold

Coachella Valley Gold

Coachella Valley Gold

By Kat Ballard

Did you know there’s Gold in them there Golf Courses!

It’s that time of the year, when we turn our paradise green for the winter.  Every golf course and gated community in the valley is “scalping” and over seeding with winter rye grass.

We call the seed Coachella Valley Gold because millions of dollars are spent on seed, it becomes a highly valued commodity and is kept under lock and key, and a watchful eye.

One 18 hole golf course will spread an average of 100,000 pounds of seed at an average cost of $1.10 per pound.  

With 124 golf courses, you can see why it’s called gold, over $13 million dollars is spent each year making our golf courses green for the winter. That figure does not include the gated community common areas, which could equal, if not exceed, that expense.

When those green blades begin to sprout, take a moment and appreciate the transformation that makes our valley so special in the winter months.

I think if the seed is Gold cuz of its color and high cost than our water is like diamonds, beautiful and very rare.

Photo by CoachellaValley.com

Photo by CoachellaValley.com

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