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Coachella Valley Flooding – Are you prepared?

Coachella Valley Flooding – Are you prepared?

Coachella Valley Flooding – Are you prepared?

Washington St Flooded by Lisa Johnson

Washington St Flooded by Lisa Johnson

Flooding is the most common natural disaster and can occur anywhere.

Flooding can be localized in a particular neighborhood or widespread, affecting entire cities or large portions of states and territories.

Floods can develop over a period of days, giving you adequate time to prepare; however, flash floods can develop in a matter of minutes.

Flash flood waters can be caused by heavy rain, levee breaches or dam failures. Rushing flood waters can be deeper and stronger than they look. These waters are also destructive and can carry debris, rocks and mud.

How to Prepare for a Flood

• Determine whether your home or work place is in a predetermined flood plain.
• Stay informed and know flood terminology:

  1. ○ Flood Watch—Flooding is possible. Stay tuned to radio or TV for more information.
  2. ○ Flash Flood Watch—Flash flooding is possible. Stay tuned to radio or TV for more information. Be prepared to move to higher ground.
  3. ○ Flood Warning—Flooding is currently occurring or will occur soon. Listen for further instructions. If told to evacuate, do so immediately.
  4. ○ Flash Flood Warning—Flash flooding is currently occurring or will occur soon. Seek higher ground on foot immediately.

• Get an emergency supply kit, and store it where it can be accessed by all family members.
• Know your installation’s plan, and develop an evacuation procedure as a family.
• Develop a communication plan in case you are not together during evacuation.
• Identify where you can go if you need to reach higher ground quickly and on foot.
• Keep enough fuel in your car’s tank to evacuate. Expect a high volume of slow traffic.

What to Do If There Is a Flood

• Stay tuned to the radio or TV for further information and instructions.
• If you are ordered to evacuate:

La Quinta Cove by Destini Torres

La Quinta Cove by Destini Torres

  1. ○ Take only essential items.
  2. ○ Turn off gas, electricity and water.
  3. ○ Disconnect appliances.
  4. ○ Do not walk in moving water.
  5. ○ Do not drive in flood water. As little as six inches of water can cause loss of control and stalling of a vehicle.
  6. ○ Follow the designated evacuation procedure.

 If you are NOT ordered to evacuate:

  1. ○ Stay tuned to emergency stations on radio or TV.
  2. ○ Listen for further instructions.
  3. ○ Prepare to evacuate to a shelter or a neighbor’s home if your home is damaged.

• Once you are in a safe place, report to your command if you are military or government civilian personnel or a member of the selective reserves.

What to Do After a Flood

• Listen to news reports to make sure water supplies are not contaminated.
• Stay clear of flood waters, standing and moving, as they may be contaminated or deeper than expected.
• Beware of downed power lines.
• Avoid any roads where flood waters have receded as they may have weakened and could collapse under the weight of a car.
• Be extremely cautious when entering buildings and homes, as there may be unseen damage.
• Clean and disinfect everything that was touched by flood water, as it can contain sewage and other contaminants.


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