Warming Trend This Weekend Pushes Temperatures Back Into The 80’s

by Publisher CoachellaValley | November 15, 2020 2:12 am

A ridge of high pressure is building and this is what causes the winds to shift offshore. Winds are not expected to be strong but the warming the offshore flow brings will be noticeable.

Saturday, the winds shifted from the northeast instead of northwest

Saturday, the high temperatures in Palm Desert reached 84°F. That is nearly 10% above the average high expected, 77F° for this time of year. For Saturday, winds had shifted offshore by the late morning and temperatures will warm through the weekend and part of the coming week.

Temperatures will rise through Tuesday to a Weekly High of 88°F.

Source URL: https://coachellavalley.com/warming-trend-this-weekend-pushes-temperatures-back-into-the-80s/