Sun Spiders, Yes these critters do live in the Coachella Valley

by Coachella Valley | September 6, 2018 4:32 pm

Sun spiders are not Spuders at all.  And yes, these critters do live in the Coachella Valley and yes I was bitten by one.

Sun Spider, isn"t a spider at all.[1]

Sun Spider, isn”t a spider at all.

Sun spiders are not spiders but Solpugids (or solifugae). They are also known as wind scorpions and Camel spiders, They lack venom and are harmless. However, they have formidable jaws and can bite. They are usually one to three inches long, yellow to tan, and very hairy. They are also very fast, voracious predators. Like the vinegaroons, the front pair of legs are used as feelers.

Sun spiders prey upon insects, other arachnids, and small vertebrates, including lizards. Sun spiders are nocturnal, and good diggers. They spend most of their time underground.I occasionally find one in my house. They hunt down insects, spiders, and scorpions for food.

Coachella Valley Have you ever seen one?

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